
Your business or franchise matters, and that’s why SocialJoey is ready to take your LinkedIn presence to a whole new level with powerful content and ads. By keeping your business current on the internet’s premiere business-focused social media platform, SocialJoey makes sure that every great opportunity for growth and expansion can come your way.

Hiring someone new? Expanding sales? Searching for more business-to-business work? Recruiting new franchisees? A professional presence on LinkedIn is the key, and SocialJoey knows the way.

Why use SocialJoey?

Positive branding is key

87% of LinkedIn users trust product-related information they find on this platform. SocialJoey knows how to create a positive brand image for your business or franchise on LinkedIn.

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More trust

LinkedIn users are twice as likely to trust information found on LinkedIn than on other social sites. SocialJoey will help you build brand confidence through a strong presence on LinkedIn.

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Connect with other professionals

As a B2B-oriented network, LinkedIn provides you with a wonderful way to connect with other business or franchise professionals for a variety of opportunities, including brand awareness, sales, hiring, and recruitment. SocialJoey knows how to position your business or franchise professionally and effectively in order to maximize profitable connections on LinkedIn.

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Develop your sales

LinkedIn is the perfect platform for developing sales leads. Custom content and targeted ads posted by SocialJoey will help customers see you as an expert in your field.

Expand your business

53% of business-to-business marketers have acquired new clients through LinkedIn. Want to expand your business or franchise? SocialJoey will help make LinkedIn work for you.

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Develop the best network

Connections are important. LinkedIn builds on your personal connections to develop a strong network that will come in handy when you are looking to hire a new position, take a new product to market, or expand multi-unit franchise recruitment opportunities. SocialJoey’s expertise will make sure your company puts its best foot forward, every time.

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Over 2 million

There are over 2 million American businesses or franchises on the LinkedIn platform. SocialJoey will make sure you aren't left out of this ever-growing number.

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More website visits

LinkedIn is responsible for 64% of all visits from social media channels to corporate websites. By building a presence for your business or franchise on LinkedIn, SocialJoey will also help drive traffic to your website for sales or recruitment opportunities.

It’s important for your business or franchise to be on LinkedIn, and SocialJoey knows how to get you there. With an expert team, the right price, and packages tailored to your needs, SocialJoey is the LinkedIn solution for your digital marketing needs.