
90% of all Instagram users follow a business. Why? Brands, more so than personal user accounts, can make the consumer feel good about themselves. Behind-the-scenes content is best received and celebrated here because it says to the end user “you are special to receive such an exclusive experience.” SocialJoey makes that experience happen

Why use SocialJoey?

A picture is worth 1,000 words

Instagram live posts visually depict the human side to your business. SocialJoey uses that to build trust, credibility and rapport with users

SocialJoey instagram circle 500 million

Over 500 million

Nearly half of Instagram’s billion-plus users are on the platform on a daily basis. SocialJoey helps keep that activity going.

SocialJoey instagram circle light bulb

Builds brand awareness

Businesses of all sizes can raise brand awareness and expand their reach with Instagram. SocialJoey knows precisely what to post to move those needles.

SocialJoey instagram circle engagement

Drives engagement

Due to Instagram’s clean, uncluttered style, users tend to engage with it as much as 10x over other social networks. SocialJoey makes sure your business is part of that bandwagon.


Instagram is more than a photo-sharing site. It is a platform full of possibilities for engaging and selling your products and services – and SocialJoey does half the work for you.

SocialJoey instagram circle mobile friendly

Mobile friendly

Since 90% of time spent on mobile is in-app, Instagram started as an app, making it easy for brands to interact with the masses. SocialJoey turns “mobile responsive” into “mobile friendly”.

SocialJoey instagram circle competition

Eyes your competitors

Your business can use Instagram to measure the pulse of your competitors by watching how they interact online. SocialJoey can use that information to create counter measures that keep you ahead of the pack.

SocialJoey instagram circle drive conversion

Simplifies conversions

Instagram’s “shoppable posts” allow you to add tags to products and services in your photos with links to descriptions, prices and your online store. SocialJoey’s custom posts help create a one-stop-shop on steroids.

Those who know social media, know that Instagram is a must for reaching those who absorb instantly and respond quickly. SocialJoey will keep that pace going for your business with graphical posts that are attention-getting and engaging.